Title: House of Eternity: The Tomb of Nefertari
Author: John K. McDonald
Publisher: The Getty Conservation Institute
Year: 1996
Format: PDF, downloadable in four separate sections
Link: http://www.getty.edu/...
Table of contents:
Section 1 (23pp., 5.5MB)
"Nefertari: Radiant Queen"
Section 2 (18pp., 5.1MB)
"The Valley of the Queens"
"Conveyance to Eternal Life: The Royal Tombs of Egypt"
"The Tomb Builders' Village"
Section 3 (18pp., 4.6MB)
"After Nefertari's Burial"
"Resurrection and Recurrent Risks"
"The King of the Dead and His Divine Family"
Section 4 (65pp., 17MB)
"Among the Immortals: A Walk through the 'House of Eternity'"