Volume I Chapter I. On the state of society and of the Arts during the Middle Ages Chapter II. Miniature Painting Chapter III. Mosaics Chapter IV. Glass Chapter V. On Gilding and other Arts Chapter VI. Painting in Oil Manuscripts of Jehan Le Begue Manuscripts of S. Audemar Manuscripts of Eraclius Manuscripts op Archerius
Volume II Bolognese Manuscript Segreti per colori Marciana Manuscript Paduan Manuscript Volpano Manuscript Brussels Manuscript Extracts from an Original Manuscript Extracts from a Dissertation
Title: Painting Materials - A short Encyclopaedia Author: Rutherford J. Gettens and George L. Stout Publisher: D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc Year: 1942 (1947 reprint) Pages: 349 Formats available: txt, DjVu, html and xml Link: http://www.archive.org/... Download: http://archive.org/...
Table of contents:
Introduction Preface Mediums, Adhesives, and Film Substances Pigments and Inert Materials Solvents, Diluents, and Detergents Supports Tools and Equipment Glossary
Let’s Pin the ‘Long Tail’ on the Conservation Donkey, Daniel Cull I Symposium on Conservation-Restoration of Golden Woodcarving and Sculpture, review by Rui Bordalo COST Training School: Wood Science for Conservation of Cultural Heritage (WoodCultHer), review by Oana Chachula The 3rd Conservation-Restoration Workshop, review by Anca Dina Conservation in Action: Welcome to the “CSI Lab”, Virginie Ternisien Examination of Some Inorganic Pigments and Plaster Layers from Excavations at Saqqara area, Egypt, Optical Microscopy and SEM-EDS Microanalysis, Hussein Hassan M.H. Mahmoud Les dilemmes philosophiques de la conservation-restauration, Pierre Leveau Detached Mural Paintings in Portugal. The Conservation-Restoration of the Fragments from the Alberto Sampaio Museum in Guimarães, Maria Alice de Sousa Cotovio Mudejar Ceilings. Study, Conservation and Restoration, Carlos José Abreu da Silva Costa
Title: Journal of Conservation-Restoration Education (JCRE) Publisher: ENCoRE - European Network for Conservation-Restoration Education Issue: 2 Year: 2008 Pages: 27 ISSN: 1904-0946 Link: http://www.encore-edu.org/... (PDF, 542 Kb)
Table of contents:
Developing an accountable system of Conservation-Restoration Education at Oslo University through the use of learning outcomes, Jeremy Hutchings Writing the Professional Competences/EQF, Susan Corr The Bologna Process 2020 - The European Higher Education Area in the new decade, René Larsen European Network on Research Programme Applied to the Protection of Tangible Cultural Heritage (NET-HERITAGE), René Larsen
Title: Journal of Conservation-Restoration Education (JCRE) Publisher: ENCoRE - European Network for Conservation-Restoration Education Issue: 1 Year: 2008 Pages: 20 Link: http://www.encore-edu.org/... (PDF, 542 Kb)
Table of contents:
Conservation-Restoration Education in the light of the European Qualification Framework for Life Long Learning, René Larsen Training & Education in Paper Conservation: An International Team, John Krill and A. Jean E. Brown Responding to EQF in conservation-restoration education: From learning inputs to learning outcomes, Martina Caruana
Title: It's a material world. Caring for the public realm Authors: Samuel Jones and John Holden Publisher: Demos ISBN: 978-1-906693-077 Pages: Year: 2008 Link: http://www.demos.co.uk/publications/materialworld (PDF, 7.2MB)
Description: The choice of what things to conserve and how to conserve them simultaneously reflects and creates social value. This pamphlet demonstrates the social value of caring for the material world, and highlights the importance of conservation as being integral not only to the culture and heritage sector but also to social well-being.
Table of contents:
1. Caring for the material world 2. Conservation and its values 3. The UK conservation sector 4. Conservation under threat 5. The current contribution of conservation 6. A crisis for conservation education? 7. Conservation and the wider world 8. Projecting a spectrum of conservation 9. Building capital from interest 10. Conclusions and recommendations Appendices 1. Methodology 2. Organisations consulted
Title: The Conservation of Artifacts Made from Plant Materials Authors: Mary-Lou E. Florian, Dale Paul Kronkright and Ruth E. Norton Publisher: The Getty Conservation Institute Pages: 352 Year: 1990 Link: http://www.getty.edu/... (PDF, 7.2MB)
Table of Contents (short version):
Chapter 1. Plant Anatomy: An Illustrated Aid to Identification Chapter 2. Identification of Plant and Animal Materials in Artifacts Chapter 3. Technology of Plant Materials Used in Artifacts Chapter 4. Deterioration of Artifacts Made From Plant Materials Chapter 5. Conservation of Artifacts Made from Plant Materials
Appendices 1. Mending Structures with Twisted and Folded Mulberry Paper Strands 2. Construction of Storage Boxes and Folders 3. Characteristics of Adhesives 4. Dyeing Cellulosic Materials With Fiber-Reactive Dyes
Title: Thin-Layer Chromatography for Binding Media Analysis Authors: Mary F. Striegel and Jo Hill Publisher: The Getty Conservation Institute Pages: 186 Year: 1996 Link: http://www.getty.edu/... (PDF, 3.9MB)
Table of Contents (short version):
Part One: Handbook Chapter 1. An Overview of Thin- Layer Chromatography Chapter 2. Technique of Thin-Layer Chromatography Chapter 3. Methodology for Thin- Layer Chromatography Chapter 4. Analysis of Proteins by Thin-Layer Chromatography Chapter 5. Analysis of Carbohydrates by Thin-Layer Chromatography Chapter 6. Analysis of Waxes by Thin- Layer Chromatography Chapter 7. Analysis of Resins by Thin-Layer Chromatography Chapter 8. Visualization, Interpretation, Documentation, and Computer Analysis of Chromatographic Plates Chapter 9. Scientific Examination of Works of Art
Part Two: Protocols Protocol A. Identification of Proteins by Thin-Layer Chromatography Protocol B. Identification of Carbohydrates by Thin-Layer Chromatography Protocol C. Identification of Waxes by Thin-Layer Chromatography Protocol D. Identification of Resins by Thin-Layer Chromatography Protocol E. Written Documentation of the TLC Plate Protocol F. Photodocumentation of the TLC Plate Using Visible Light Protocol G. Photodocumentation of the TLC Plate Using Ultraviolet Light Protocol H. Sample Application for Thin-Layer Chromatography Protocol I. Evaluation of a TLC Plate Protocol J. Acid Hydrolysis in a Pierce Vial Reaction Chamber Protocol K. Vapor Phase Acid Hydrolysis in a Pierce Vial Reaction Chamber Protocol L. Semiquantitative Computer Analysis of a TLC Plate
Title: JPEG 2000 as a Preservation and Access Format for the Wellcome Trust Digital Library Authors: Rob Buckley and Simon Tanner Publisher: King’s Digital Consultancy Service Year: 2009 Pages: 17 Download: http://library.wellcome.ac.uk/... [PDF, 653 Kb]
This is a collection of resources related to conservation and restoration research that I find while browsing the internet. I'm only posting those that are freely available or that can be consulted online. I hope you will find them useful!