Title: Stone Conservation: An Overview of Current Research
Editors: Eric Doehne and C.A. Price
Publisher: The Getty Conservation Institute
Year: 2010 (2nd edition)
Publisher: The Getty Conservation Institute
Year: 2010 (2nd edition)
Pages: 175
Format: PDF (1.65 Mb)
Link: http://www.getty.edu/...
Table of contents:
Chapter 1. Stone Decay
Chapter 2. Putting It Right: Preventive and Remedial
Chapter 3. Do They Work? Assessing the Effectiveness of Treatments
Chapter 4. Putting It into Practice: Conservation Policy
Chapter 5. Heritage in Stone: Rock Art, Quarries, and Replacement Stone
Format: PDF (1.65 Mb)
Link: http://www.getty.edu/...
Table of contents:
Chapter 1. Stone Decay
Chapter 2. Putting It Right: Preventive and Remedial
Chapter 3. Do They Work? Assessing the Effectiveness of Treatments
Chapter 4. Putting It into Practice: Conservation Policy
Chapter 5. Heritage in Stone: Rock Art, Quarries, and Replacement Stone
Chapter 6. Doing Better: Increasing the Effectiveness of Research
Chapter 7. What Has Changed? Some Thoughts on the Past Fifteen Years
Appendix: Resources for Stone Conservation