11 May 2010

e-conservation 14 (2010)

Title: e-conservation
Issue: 14
Year: 2010
Link: http://www.e-conservationline.com/...
Download: http://www.e-conservationline.com/... (pdf, 7.9 Mb)


Editorial, Rui Bordalo

Building Bridges in the Third Place, Daniel Cull


Multidisciplinary Conservation – A Holistic View for Historic Interiors, ICOM-CC Interim Meeting, Ana Bidarra

VI Symposium of Art and Science: Conservation and Restoration of Decorative Arts
, Rui Bordalo


Wikipedia Saves Public Art. An interview with Richard McCoy and Jennifer Geigel Mikulay, conducted by Daniel Cull

Conservation-Restoration Interventions in Extreme Cases: Improving the Structural Resistance of Wood Damaged by Biological Attack, Cornelia and Dinu Sãvescu

The Challenges of Digital Art Preservation
, Lino García and Pilar Montero Vilar

ARP Proceedings

The Conservation-Restoration of the “Charola” Paintings of the Convent of Christ in Tomar, Frederico Henriques, Ana Bailão and Miguel Garcia

The Conservation and Preservation of a Photographic Print: The “Panoramic View of Constantinople”
, Élia Roldão and Luís Pavão

Book Review

"Conservation. Principles, Dilemmas and Uncomfortable Truths", review by Cristabel Blackman

Connecting to the World's Collections (2009)

Title: Connecting to the World's Collections: Making the Case for the Conservation and Preservation of our Cultural Heritage
Author: Joyce Hill Stoner
Publisher: Institute of Museum and Library Services
Year: 2009
Pages: 36
Link: http://www.imls.gov/... (pdf, 3.5 Mb)

Sixty cultural heritage leaders from thirty-two countries, including representatives from Africa, Asia, the Middle East, South America, Australia, Europe, and North America gathered in October 2009 in Salzburg, Austria, to develop a series of practical recommendations to ensure optimal collections conservation worldwide.

The Future of Museums and Libraries (2009)

Title: The Future of Museums and Libraries: A Discussion Guide (IMLS-2009-RES-02)
Publisher: Institute of Museum and Library Services
Year: 2009
Pages: 36
Link: http://www.imls.gov/... (pdf, 254 Kb)

From the Introduction:
The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) is committed to bringing together museums and libraries across the country for conversations dedicated to developing a better understanding of the roles of libraries and museums as providers of public service to communities. The Future of Libraries and Museums in the 21st-Century Planning Meeting, which took place July 7–8, 2008, in Washington, D.C., was convened by the National Academy of Sciences and supported by IMLS to bring together voices across and outside the library and museum fields to debate, discuss, and question the future of museums and libraries and gain insight into how the conversation could unfold in subsequent discussions in the field at large. This meeting brought together leaders from across the disciplines in the library, museum, research, scientific, technology, and education fields to help define the central issues, challenges, and opportunities that libraries and museums are likely to face in the coming decades.

Table of Contents:

The Planning Meeting: Insights, Questions, & Possibilities
Discussion Theme #1: Changing Definitions & Roles of Museums and Libraries
Discussion Theme #2: Shifts in Power & Authority
Discussion Theme #3: Museums & Libraries as the “Third Place”
Discussion Theme #4: Technology & Policy Development
Discussion Theme #5: 21st-Century Learning & Information Use
Discussion Theme #6: New Models & Structures for Collaboration
Discussion Theme #7: Planning for a Sustainable Future
Discussion Theme #8: Metrics for Evaluating Service & Impact
Discussion Theme #9: The 21st-Century Museum & Library Workforce
Summary and Conclusion: Where Do We Go from Here?
Planning Meeting Participants

10 May 2010

Thesis: Stone decay by salt crystallization (2007)

: Multiscale study of stone decay by salt crystallization in porous networks

: Matthieu Angeli

University: Université de Cergy Pontoise
: 2007

Type of document
: PhD thesis

Files available
: pdf file (45.5 Mb) and powerpoint presentation (21.8 Mb)

Link: http://archives-ouvertes.fr/...

Crystallization of soluble salts in porous networks is a major source of decay for natural stones. The objective of this thesis is to specify this salt decay mechanism in the particular case of sodium sulphate crystallization. The basis of this work is to follow the evolution of samples of nine sedimentary stones of various origins (two biodetritic limestones, one detritic limestone, one lacustrine limestone, three quartz-rich sandstones and two layered shaly sandstones) during accelerated ageing tests. First, the mechanism of sodium sulfate crystallization is studied thanks to thermal monitoring of the samples. Different crystallization sequences are proposed to explain the decay during the cycles. Then a new way of quantifying salt decay in the long term is proposed, taking into account the hydromechanical properties of the stones. The importance of the microstructures on decay (porous network tortuosity or connectivity, intragrain cracks) is also assessed thanks to a mercury porosimetry study. Finally, the influence of the environmental conditions on decay is also evaluated: evaporation and temperature directs both the location and amplitude of salt decay.

Table of Contents (short version):

Chapter I: Decay of natural stones

1. Weathering agents

2. Influence of the stone characteristics on weathering
3. Building characteristics

4. Human causes

Chapter II: Materials and methods
1. Overview of the studied stones

2. Microstructural studies

3. Hydromechanical properties

4. Accelerated ageing by salt decay

Chapter III: Salt crystallization

1. Experimental results

2. Theories of salt damage

3. Sodium sulphate

Chapter IV: Salt damage

1. Macroscopic experiments

2. Microscale experiment:Modification of the porous network by salt crystallization of experimentally weathered sedimentary stones

Chapter V: Influence of environmental parameters

1. Influence of capillary properties and evaporation on salt weathering of sedimentary rocks

2. Influence of temperature and salt content on the salt weathering of sedimentary rocks

Conservation and Art Technology Notebooks

Title: Science & Essence - Conservation and Art Technology Notebooks / Ciencia & Esencia - Cuadernos de Conservación y Tecnología del Arte
: Adelina Illán & Rafael Romero

: I&R - Restauración y Estudios Técnicos de Pintura de Caballete

: 73

: http://www.ge-iic.org/... (pdf, 13,9 Mb)

Note: bilingual edition in Spanish and English

Table of Contents


The creative process of Vicente Carducho, with special reference to the sketches for the series of paintings on the Order of the Carthusians (El Paular Monastery)

The painting technique of Mexican Enconchados and the problems involved in their restoration

Non-destructive analysis processes used to study the painting technique of Luis Paret y Alcazar (1746–1799)

09 May 2010

Thesis: Formatos de la pintura española del siglo XVII (2004)

Title: Los formatos de la pintura española del siglo XVII conservada en el Museo del Prado (Palacio de Villanueva)
Author: José María Seijas Seoane
University: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Year: 2004
Type of Document: PhD thesis
Link: http://ucm.es/... (pdf, 9.7 Mb)

Los formatos de la pintura española del siglo XVII vistos a través de las colecciones del Museo del Prado (Palacio de Villanueva), presentan en muchos casos formas caprichosas. La procedencia de estas pinturas, que formaron parte de la decoración de muchos de los palacios e iglesias hoy desaparecidas, justifica sus dimensiones, al tener que adaptarse a los vanos disponibles en los muros o en los huecos de los retablos. No obstante cuando los artistas pudieron trabajar con entera libertad creativa en cuanto a formato se refiere, han preferido dimensionar sus lienzos, siguiendo criterios mucho más racionales, que se fundamentan en la geometría euclidiana, en la sección aúrea o en las proporciones armónicas que tanto promulgaron los tratadistas del Renacimiento entre los que figuran: Alberti, Vitrubio, Palladio o el español Andrés de Valdelvira, que tanto habría de influir en los artistas del barroco español.

Table of contents (short version):

I. La supefície pictorica
II. Los formatos aureos
III. Los formatos geometricos
IV. Los formatos musicales
V. Resultados analíticos

X-radiography of archaeological metalwork (2006)

Title: Guidelines on the X-radiography of archaeological metalwork
Editor: David M. Jones
Publisher: English Heritage
Year: 2006
Pages: 16
Link: http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/... (pdf, 1.3 Mb)

Note: Resource kindly indicated by Goran Budija.

From the Preface:
Archaeological investigations frequently yield numerous metal finds.These should be X-rayed as part of the post-excavation procedures to assist in the identification and interpretation of the finds,and thereby help understand the site. This procedure will also provide a record of the finds in the conditions in which they were recovered.
Government policy on planning issues in archaeology is stated in Planning Policy Guidance Notes PPG 15 (Department of the Environment 1994) and PPG 16 (Department of the Environment 1990). These documents provide guidance to local authorities and others who are required to make planning decisions and to prepare development plans. Local authority planning archaeologists are required to advise on archaeological aspects of the planning decisions and briefs,of which the X-radiography of archaeological metalwork forms a part.

Table of contents:

1. Introduction
2. Why X-radiography is necessary
3. When to X-ray
4. What to X-ray
5. What X-radiography can show
6. How to make informative X-radiographs
7. How to view the X-radiographs
8. How much should it cost?
9. Where to get help