13 March 2010

La Conservazione sullo Scavo Archeologico (1986)

Title: La Conservazione sullo Scavo Archeologico
Editor: Nicholas Stanley-Price
Publisher: ICCROM, Centro di Conservazione Archeologica
Year: 1986
Pages: 97
Download: http://www.iccrom.org/... (pdf, 5.5 Mb)

Italian translation of the proceedings of a congress organized by ICCROM in Cyprus in 1983. It comprises 11 papers on topics such as: excavation and conservation; the role of the objects conservator in field archaeology; object interred, object disinterred; first-aid treatment for excavated finds; on-site storage of finds; protection and presentation of excavated structures.

Table of contents:
Capitolo 1. Scavo e conservazione, Nicholas Stanley-Price
Capitolo 2. Il compito del conservatore di reperti in campo archeologico, Kate Foley
Capitolo 3. L'oggetto interrato, l'oggetto disinterrato, Gael de Guichen
Capitolo 4. Pronto intervento sui reperti di scavo, Catherine Sease
Capitolo 5. Il deposito dei reperti, Giovanni Scichilone
Capitolo 6. Documentazione e pubblicazione del sito, John Coles
Capitolo 7. Protezione e presentazione di strutture di scavo, John Stubbs
Capitolo 8. Conservazione di intonaci, stucchi e mosaici di scavo, Paolo Mora
Capitolo 9. Protezione e conservazione di strutture in mattone crudo di scavo, Alejandro Alva, Giacomo Chiari
Capitolo 10. Progettare ed eseguire l'anastylosis di edifici in pietra, Dieter Mertens
Capitolo 11. La conservazione sugli scavi e le Raccomandazioni dell'Unesco del 1956, Nicholas Stanley-Price
Appendice: UNESCO 1956. La Raccomandazioni che definiscono i Principi Internazionali da Aplicare agli Scavi Archeologici

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The semantic web approach to increasing access to cultural heritage (2010)

Title: The semantic web approach to increasing access to cultural heritage
Authors: Kirk Martinez, Leif Isaksen
University: University of Southampton
Year: 2010
Type of document: Book Section
Download: http://eprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk/... (pdf, 288 Kb)

This book chapter discusses the use of Semantic Web technologies to widen access to cultural heritage.

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Ivory (2010)

Title: Ivory - Identification and Regulation of a Precious Material
Publisher: Smithsonian National Museum of African Art
Year: 2010
Pages: 10
Download: http://africa.si.edu/... (pdf, 898 Kb)

Ivory, from the elephants that produce it to the intricately carved artifact, is a material closely associated with Africa. Prized across world cultures from ancient times to the present day, the incessant international demand for ivory has dangerously diminished elephant populations in Africa.
In an effort to educate the general public, art collectors, and specialists, this webpage includes information on how to identify ivory and its substitutes, descriptions of the laws and regulations of its trade, and a selected bibliography. It is hoped that this information will promote responsible collection of this valuable material and foster appreciation for the remarkable animals that produce it.

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Pilot experience in heritage education (2008)

Title: Action Research: The first steps to start up a pilot experience in heritage education
Author: Janine Sprünker Cardo
Publisher: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Internet Insterdisciplinary Institute (IN3)
Type: Research paper
Year: 2008
Pages: 45
Download: http://hdl.handle.net/... (pdf, 513 Kb)

The relationships between museums and schools are changing through the use of internet. We want to analyse how these new relationships occur at a national level. It is important to analyse these possible new relationships, which are the product of social and technological changes. They allow for new interactions and participation whilst requiring changes in the forms of organisation, web resource management, and teaching and learning models. Specifically, learning networks can establish a new form of relationship between museums and schools and educational online resources with cultural heritage content can offer learning opportunities and knowledge resources beyond the boundaries of formal education. However, there is a need for experimental projects to test the evidence and to see how these kinds of teaching and learning practices will work within a concrete social and cultural context. Thus, Action Research can contribute to the development of a learning experience, based on reflection and actions. The aim of this experimentation is to obtain a working model and best practices for learning and teaching in learning networks shaped by heritage managers, teachers and students where the members produce and use educational online resources with cultural heritage content. The results of this empirical research project will be compared with results from the first methodological part of the PhD thesis to obtain a model that can be exported to other contexts.

Table of contents (short version):

1. Context and justification of the Action Research project
2. Action Research core concepts linked to the research project
3. Ongoing Action Research project
4. Data collection, analysis and validation
5. Conclusions

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Conversations about Digital Preservation I (2009)

Title: Robert Horton, Minnesota State Archivist
Series: Conversations about Digital Preservation
Speakers: Robert Horton, Mike Ashenfelder
Institution: Library of Congress
Year: 2009
File Format: mp3
Running Time: 33:15 minutes
Site: http://www.loc.gov/... (listen it online here)
Download: http://www.loc.gov/... (mp3, 30.4 Mb)

Mike Ashenfelder from the Library of Congress speaks with Minnesota State Archivist Robert Horton.

Conversations about Digital Preservation III (2009)

Title: Patricia Cruse, Director of the California Curation Center
Series: Conversations about Digital Preservation
Speakers: Patricia Cruse, Mike Ashenfelder
Institution: Library of Congress
Year: 2009
File Format: mp3
Running Time: 35:48 minutes
Site: http://www.loc.gov/... (listen it online here)
Download: http://www.loc.gov/... (mp3, 33.2 Mb)

Mike Ashenfelder from the Library of Congress speaks with Patricia Cruse, Director of the California Curation Center.

Conversations about Digital Preservation II (2009)

Title: Martin Halbert, Dean of Libraries at the University of North Texas
Series: Conversations about Digital Preservation
Speakers: Martin Halbert, Mike Ashenfelder
Institution: Library of Congress
Year: 2009
File Format: mp3
Running Time: 38:21 minutes
Site: http://www.loc.gov/... (listen it online here)
Download: http://www.loc.gov/... (mp3, 44.5 Mb)

Mike Ashenfelder from the Library of Congress speaks with Martin Halbert, Director of the California Curation Center.

A Guide to Distributed Digital Preservation (2010)

Title: A Guide to Distributed Digital Preservation
Editors: K. Skinner and M. Schultz
Publisher: Educopia Institute
Year: 2010
Pages: 156
Site: http://www.metaarchive.org/...
Download: http://www.metaarchive.org/... (pdf, 2.93 Mb)

This volume is devoted to the broad topic of distributed digital preservation, a still-emerging field of practice for the cultural memory arena. Replication and distribution hold out the promise of indefinite preservation of materials without degradation, but establishing effective organizational and technical processes to enable this form of digital preservation is daunting. Institutions need practical examples of how this task can be accomplished in manageable, low-cost ways.
This guide is written with a broad audience in mind that includes librarians, archivists, scholars, curators, technologists, lawyers, and administrators. Readers may use this guide to gain both a philosophical and practical understanding of the emerging field of distributed digital preservation, including how to establish or join a network.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1. Preserving Our Collections, Preserving Our Missions
Chapter 2. DDP Architecture
Chapter 3. Technical Considerations for PLNs
Chapter 4. Organizational Considerations
Chapter 5. Content Selection, Preparation, and Management
Chapter 6. Content Ingest, Monitoring, and Recovery for PLNs
Chapter 7. Cache and Network Administration for PLNs
Chapter 8. Copyright Practice in the DDP: Practice makes Perfect
Appendix A. Private LOCKSS Networks

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