Title: Multidisciplinary Conservation: A Holistic View For Historic Interiors
Editors: Elsje Janssen, Mariabianca Paris, Malgorzata Sawicki, Kate Seymour, and Andrew Thorn
Reference: Proceedings of the Joint Interim Conference, Rome 23-26 March 2010
Link: http://www.icom-cc.org/... (pdf)
From the Preface:
The topic of this meeting is an important one, as it poses particular challenges due to the constraints often imposed by the building fabric. In addition, the conservation of historic interiors not only draws from many conservation specialisations but also from many other fields. Furthermore, historic buildings and their interiors form part of national heritage of every country and culture. These buildings and their interiors usually consist of multiple facets and materials often altering dramatically throughout their life spans due to change imposed by society, their environment and use. It is through the conservation and restoration of these buildings and the collections therein that the cultural identity of our past can be preserved and transferred to our future. It is thus essential to consider these entities in a holistic manner using a multidisciplinary collaborative approach, without imposing any sense of hierarchy for the conservation of the individual artefacts or collections housed within.
Table of contents (only the papers with pdf are indicated):
Session 1: Historic interiors and wide ranging conservation projects
The integrated approach of Monumentenwacht in Flanders (Belgium): a model for implementing participative preventive conservation for historic interiors, V. Meul
The Attingham re-discovered project of improvements to historic interiors, S. Kay, C. Sitwell, C. Hughes, A. Bush
Conservation works in refectories in the Castle of the Teutonic Order in Malbork: between history and aesthetic functionalism, M. Kozarzewski, A. Wielocha
The Sacristy of the Mosteiro de São Martinho of Tibães (Portugal): to exemplify the preservation of a unique historic ensemble, A. Le Gac, M. J. Dias Costa, I. Dias Costa
Textile furnishings in historic interiors: recreating the past, I. Campagnol
Conservation of Chinese Room in Wilanów Palace in Warsaw as a result of multidisciplinary research project, I. Zadrozna, A. Guzowska, E. Jezewska, A. Leskiewicz-Laudy
Restoration of the House of Owls at Villa Torlonia in Rome. An example of Architecture and Decorative Arts, A. Campitelli
Evaluation of conservation options for decoratively painted wood, Mission San Miguel Arcangel, D.W. Porter, R.W. Anthony, K. D. Dugan
Diagnosis of cultural heritage wooden structures. Two cases of studies, E. Maurin, P. Galimard
The mural paintings in S. Maria Maddalena church in Camuzzago: the conservation process, F. Carlini, D. Foppoli, M. Gasparoli, G. Miani, R. Moioli, E. Rosina
Session 2: Museums and private residences: principles of conservation
Upholstery conservation in the Acton Collection, Villa La Pietra, Florence, C. Beyer, C. Perrone Da Zara
Villa Abegg – from private residence to museum, A. Jolly, C. Kienzler
The restoration of Mrs. Mills’s rooms at Staatsburgh State Historic Site: an American Gilded Age example of the holistic view for historic interiors, D. Lee Trupin, M. Moore
Session 3: Museums and private residences: principles of conservation
The conservation campaign at Villa Stibbert. Case studies, K. Achengreen Piacenti
Historical and methodological aspects of the 18th century French gilt leather tapestry restoration in a historic house: the Maison Mantin project (Moulins, France), C. Bonnot-Dicone, J.P. Fournet, B.H. Paponaud
The Good Fight: Conservation of the Rouse Hill House & Farm interiors, M. Scott
Session 4: Interdisciplinary issues
Wallpaper and textile superposed–destination and presentation after removal. The Chinese boudoir ceiling conservation from the château d’Issou (Yvelines, France), J. B. Martin
Upholstery, how to deal with the textile coverings? Case-study: Project Weissensteinflügel, J. Dummer
Interdisciplinary collaboration to understand and recreate the splendour of the Marble Closet at the Little Castle Bolsover, H. Hughes
Marriage of Conservators at Paris' 19th Arrondisement City Hall, M. Dubost, A.M. Geffroy, E. Hincelin, M. Margez, E. Paris
Session 5: Preserving original context while maintaining a functional role
Strozzi Sacrati Palace in Florence 'a museum itself'. Tapestries and wallpaper conservation treatment, P. Crisostomi, M. Giorgi, G. Palei, M. Pandolfini, "SPIRA S.R.L."
United Nations – uniting professions?, M. Bergstrand
Decoration of an Italian theatre after the Unification of Italy in 1870: technical implementation and conservation after the great wars in an earthquake zone, G. De Cesare
Exploring the approach to the conservation and restoration of Taiwan’s traditional temple artefacts, Y. Tung, S. Hsieh
Session 6: Preventive conservation, care and maintenance
Danish church interiors and their change in colour appearance due to repeated repainting of the furniture, K. Vestergaard Kristiansen
Cleaning, condition surveying and maintenance: house keeping Swedish style, A. Hallström, E. Hedhammar, L. Tamm
The WEB Environmental Data Sheet for museum and temporary exhibitions, C. Cacace, E. Giani, A. Giovagnoli, L. Gordini, M.P. Nugari
Applying preventive conservation recommendations for silk in historic houses, N. Luxford, D. Thickett, P. Wyeth
Painted wood as climate indicators? Experiences from a condition survey of painted wooden panels and environmental monitoring in Läckö Castle, a dehumidified historic building, C. Bylund Melin, J. Bjurman, M. Brunskog, A. Von Hofsten
Session 7: Cultural property: changes in the original context
The Gallery of the former town hall of Amsterdam. An interrelation between painting, architecture and light?, E. Froment, M. Van Eikema Hommes, A. Zwagerman, L. Megens, M. De Keijzer
A Rococo room from a house along the Amsterdam canals on display in the New Rijksmuseum, P. Van Duin
Old friends, new places. relocation and conservation of two decorated doors by Australian artist, Donald Friend and Balinese carver, I Made Jojol, D. Hinton
Session 8: Composite material artefacts: conservation projects
The conservation of a Chinese Coromandel lacquer panel from the collection of Villa La Pietra, P. Hatchfield
From historic interiors to the conservation studio: a route to knowledge of a Japanese multimaterial textile from the Stibbert Museum in Florence, S. Conti, L. Triolo, M. Rizzi, F. Civita, N. Kato
Church of the Transfiguration of Our Lord in Tallinn and the conservation of its carved-wood iconostasis, M. Lillepruun, K. Sibul
Technical study of polychrome clay sculptures from the Buddhist temple complex at Nako, Himachal Pradesh, North India, T. Bayerova, M. Gruber, G. Krist
Session 9: Materials and artefacts: technical and scientific update
Cleaning of tanned leather: testing with Infra Red Spectroscopy and SEM-EDAX, K. Malea, S.C. Boyatzis, M. Kehagia
Analysis and preservation of an ancient alum tawed parchment, I. Rabin, R. Schütz, E. Kindzorra, U. Schade, O. Hahn, G. Weinberg, P. Lasch
Mechanical characteristics of aged Hinoki (Chamaecyparis obtusa Endl.) wood from Japanese historical buildings, M. Yokoyama, J. Sugiyama, S. Kawai
Alteration of gilts on medieval mural paintings, F. Daniel, A. Mounier
SESSION 1: General: Historic Interiors
The Ninfeo of Sacchetti Palace in Rome
Rome, Villa Farnesina alla Lungara, the ‘Frieze’ hall. The conservation of the frieze by Baldassarre Peruzzi and the recovery of the 19th century decoration
Conserving traveling wallpaper. Advanced distribution in the mid to end 18th century reflected in the historic interior
The integration of conservation strategies for the interiors of Juanqinzhai in the Forbidden City, Beijing
Whose blue? The true story behind the sky-blue roof of St. Pancras International Station
SESSION 2: Textiles Working Group
Conservation of a presumably embroidered oriental silk wall decoration with special consideration to the problematic nature of the removal of soot deposits and paint splashes
Nichelino (Torino) Palazzina di Caccia di Stupinigi: the textiles conservation project
Conservation and weave analysis reveals another layer of history on 17th century wallhangings at Ham House, Surrey, England
The Hunt of the Frail Stag: analysis, conservation, and display of five medieval tapestry fragments
SESSION 3: Leather and Related Materials Working Group
Analysis of acid deterioration of leather
Gilt leather wall hangings in the Stibbert Museum of Florence
Ariccia: in the Baroque country dwelling of the Chigi family, gilt leather and archival documentation
The condition of the gilt leather wall hangings in the Palazzo Chigi, Ariccia, Italy
Identification and symbology of plant species in gilt and painted leather
SESSION 4: Sculpture, Polychromy and Architectural Decoration Working Group
The Balla House in Rome: futurist context and industrial painting media
The church of Saint Savior in Prizren (Kosovo): a double church
The conservation of technical fixtures in historic buildings
The sequence of inscriptions in the Hall of Mirrors revealed by cross-section
Unconventional thermographic and ultrasonic tests for a case study of the stone decoration of St. Leo Chapel in Bova, Reggio Calabria-Italy
Establishing a conservation project for the High Altar by Bernt Notke (1483). The preliminaries
Madonna del Rosario in N.S. della Consolazione Church, Genoa: science dealing with conservation
Glossy and dark blue surfaces on 13th century Mosan wooden sculptures
A new insight into the 18th century gold leaf from a Baroque altarpiece
Projecto Retablo. An interactive tool on material expressions, cultural contexts and conservation approaches for wooden polychromed altarpieces
Kunstmarmor: an unknown presence in architectural interiors of the second-half of the nineteenth century
SESSION 5: Wood, Furniture, and Lacquer Working Group
Restoration and scientific investigation of exquisite historic furniture from the collections of the Prince of Liechtenstein
The Stupinigi Library’s boiseries: two centuries of changes and adjustments
The impact of the frame: one painting’s journey within the Art Gallery of New South Wales
Gilding techniques: case study of the chairs of the gilt room of Malmaison Castle
The challenge of conserving furniture with missing parts: the case study of a bed from the Byzantine and Christian Museum of Athens, Greece
An experimental study of selected gap-fillers for wood restoration