17 November 2010

Deterioration and Conservation of Feathers (2009)

Title: Scraping Gut and Plucking Feathers: the Deterioration and Conservation of Feather and Gut Materials
Conference Date: Tuesday 6th October 2009
Conference Venue: University of York
Link: http://www.icon.org.uk/...

Table of Contents:

Ellen Pearlstein and Lionel Keene, Fading behavior of red shafted flicker feathers (pdf1, pdf2)
Hein van Grouw, The structure of feathers simple as well as brilliant (pdf)
Katrina van Grouw, First aid at the front line (pdf)
Pippa Cruickshank and Vanesssa Saiz Gomez, An early gut parka from the Arctic, its past and current treatment (pdf)
Sandra Gottsmann, A gut skin parka from the ethnographic collection of the Reiss-Engelhorn Museum (pdf)
Kate Jackson and Andrew Huges, Gut reaction, The history, treatment and display techniques of gut garments at the Pitt Rivers Museum (pdf)
Allyson Rae, Summary of Practical session (pdf)

Source: http://dancull.wordpress.com/2010/11/10/scraping-gut-and-plucking-feathers/

14 November 2010

Histoire de la riziculture et muséologie (2006)

Title: D'Orient en Occident: histoire de la riziculture et muséologie
Author: Marc-Antonio Barblan
Reference: ICOFOM Study Series, Vol. 35, 2006, pp. 114-131
Link: click here (pdf, 5.1 Mb)

Note: Made available upon request of the author