20 March 2010

Article: Conserving Marine Cultural Heritage (2009)

Title: Conserving Marine Cultural Heritage: Threats, Risks and Future Priorities
Author: Joe Flatman
Journal: Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites
Publisher: Maney Publishing
Year: 2009
Volume: 11
Number: 1
Pages: 5-8
DOI: 10.1179/135050309X12508566208245
Download: http://ice.ingenta-ddconv.nsatc.net/... (pdf, 55 Kb)

This special volume of Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites debates the priorities and pressures involved in the conservation and management of archaeological sites in the marine zone — above, across and below water on an international scale. The contributors represent a cross-section of practitioners drawn from industry, the public sector and academia, working literally around the entire globe from Australia to Argentina by way of the UK, US and elsewhere. They consider, among other things, threats to coastal and submerged cultural resources in the light of farming and industrial development, the management of historic wreck sites and viability of in situ preservation, the impact of national programmes such as the UK Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund, and the future management of underwater cultural heritage via tools such as the newly ratified 2001 UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage.

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Article: Coastal Heritage and Climate Change in England (2009)

Title: Coastal Heritage and Climate Change in England: Assessing Threats and Priorities

Author: Peter Murphy, David Thackray, Ed Wilson
Journal: Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites
Publisher: Maney Publishing
Year: 2009
Volume: 11
Number: 1
Pages: 9-15
DOI: 10.1179/135050309X12508566208281
Download: http://ice.ingenta-ddconv.nsatc.net/... (pdf, 283 Kb)

There are now strong grounds for thinking that the rates of coastal processes will increase in the future, and that this speeding up is at least partly due to the impact of climate change on the coastline. The focus of this paper is on England only, primarily the impact of coastal change specifically upon archaeology rather than on the wider historic environment, but acknowledging, though not referencing here, the work of colleagues in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland on coastal and marine survey which contributes so much to our understanding of the processes and impacts of coastal change. The paper discusses the different climate change impacts on the coastal and maritime historic environment, including direct physical impacts, indirect impacts that are a consequence of decisions taken now by coastal managers anticipating future climate change, and indirect impacts related to attempts at climate change mitigation.

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Article: Negative Heritage: The Place of Conflict in World Heritage (2008)

Title: Negative Heritage: The Place of Conflict in World Heritage
Author: Trinidad Rico
Journal: Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites
Publisher: Maney Publishing
Year: 2008
Volume: 10
Number: 4
Pages: 34-352
DOI: 10.1179/135050308X12513845914507
Download: http://ice.ingenta-ddconv.nsatc.net/... (pdf, 70 Kb)

The degree to which the World Heritage List reflects the diversity of heritage types has been a matter of recent discussions. The World Heritage Committee itself has identified geographical and typological imbalances for over a decade, but their Global Strategy, and recent critiques of its implementation, fails to address a different type of gap: the relative lack of heritage sites with negative associations. Negative heritage is defined as sites that may be interpreted by a group as commemorating conflict, trauma and disaster. In the spirit of promoting a diversity of relationships to the past, the List may fail to reflect the contested nature of heritage, which raises questions of its educational value as an archive, and the World Heritage Convention's support of alternative memories and multiple interpretations of the past. This paper aims to further discussions regarding the homogenization of the concept of heritage and of the relevance of the List for local identities and agendas, addressing the mechanisms of conceptual and geographic boundary-making in the process of site nomination and inscription. This discussion is relevant to current post-colonial critiques of heritage management that challenge the universality of the definition of heritage, and of the 1972 Convention today.

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Getting more out of Museums (2010)

Title: Sharper investment for changing times: Getting more out of Museums, Library and Archives
Publisher: Museums, Library and Archives Council
Year: 2010
Pages: 24
Link: http://www.mla.gov.uk/...
Download: http://www.mla.gov.uk/... (pdf, 3.7 Mb)

“Cuts to museums, libraries and other cultural services are unpalatable – we must resist them in favour of imaginative alternative solutions. Our call, to government and councils, is to recognise that cultural services can help communities recover from the impact of the recession." Sir Andrew Motion said today. “But financial difficulties will bring change whether we like it or not – those delivering the service must not be left unsupported with less cash and limited choices. That is why the MLA has today published Sharper Investment for Changing Times.

Table of Contents (short version):

1. Introduction
2. The value of museums, libraries and archives
3. How we can get more out of our museums, libraries and archives
4. How can the necessary changes be nationally supported?
5. What would the results look like?
Appendix: About the MLA

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19 March 2010

Article: paintings on zinc supports (2009)

Title: Corrosion analysis and treatment of two paintings on zinc supports by Frederick Preedy
Author: Jevon Thistlewood, Peter Northover
Journal: Journal of the Institute of Conservation
Publisher: Routledge
Year: 2009
Volume: 32
Issue: 2
Pages: 137-14
DOI: 10.1080/19455220903059933
Download: http://www.informaworld.com/... (pdf, 1.6 Mb)

Two oil paintings on zinc supports by Frederick Preedy were examined, analysed, researched and treated in order to stabilise them and reinstate them to the original locations in the Church of St David in Little Dewchurch, Hereford. The paintings had been moved from display in the early twentieth century due to their condition. They had acquired a thick build-up of surface dirt. In addition extensive corrosion and deterioration had resulted in structural instability and damage. Before treatment the composition of the paintings and the identity of the corrosion products were examined. With no articles about paintings on zinc apparent in the conservation literature, treatments were guided by information gathered from a variety of sources. It is hoped that this paper will generate discussion and research in the conservation of oil paintings on zinc supports.

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Article: Hodgkins' watercolour and gouache works on paper (2009)

Title: Primarily a water colourist? The materials and techniques of Frances Hodgkins' watercolour and gouache works on paper
Author: Ute Larsen
Journal: Journal of the Institute of Conservation
Publisher: Routledge
Year: 2009
Volume: 32
Issue: 1
Pages: 3-14
DOI: 10.1080/19455220802630735
Download: http://www.informaworld.com/... (pdf, 659 Kb)

Expatriate artist Frances Mary Hodgkins (1869-1947) has been the focus of numerous art historical studies; however, very little is known about her painting practices. Trained as a watercolour artist, Hodgkins took up the use of other paint media in later life. She is most renowned for her work in oil and gouache, but in both cases the paint is applied very thickly, which has caused structural problems, particularly cracking and flaking. A technical study which included the examination of Hodgkins' papers and the analysis of paint was initiated in 2002, focusing on selected watercolours and gouaches from the Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tamacrmaki collection. It was intended to clarify many of the questions about her use of materials and her technique, which would be of benefit to conservators and curators. This paper presents the findings of the study and discusses aspects of Hodgkins' paint application and the implications for the conservation of her works.

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18 March 2010

Big Stuff '07 (2007)

Title: BigStuff 2007 - Beyond Conservation - Industrial Heritage Management
Venue: Bochum and Hattingen, Germany
Date: 11-14 September 2007
http://www.bigstuff07.net/... (check links in the table of contents below)

Note: Resource kindly indicated by Goran Budija.

Table of contents (short version):

Invited Lectures (pdf, 4.71 Mb)

Large technology project plan – fundamental considerations, Alison Wain

Action plan for industrial monuments – a German attempt to improve the management of large sites, Kornelius Goetz

'Chance Denkmal' - An innovative sales practice for listed buildings, Joachim Schares

Big Stuff – Big Difference – understanding the archaeology, significance and impact of industrial heritage projects, Kate Clark

The Industrial Heritage of Modern Iron and Steelmaking in Europe: Preservation before Extinction, Rolf Hoehmann

Coatings for Industrial Heritage Surfaces– between the poles of aesthetics and durability, Stefan Brüeggerhoff

Preventative conservation of large scale industrial objects – the Victorian steamship Great Britain, Shane Casey

Running an Industrial World Heritage site: A prominent example - Ironbridge Gorge, David de Haan

Tracing history and path-finding at the World Cultural Heritage Zollverein, Ulrike Laufer

Ethical and philosophical issues of operating of functional objects; a developing approach, David Hallam

'Museumspath' Zollverein – Ways through the industrial heritage, Thorsten Seifert

Training of Volunteers in Aviation Heritage conservation, Brian Barker

Industrial monuments - gains and losses, Athanasios Chatsigogas

Country report: Czech Republic, Milos Matej

BigStuff in a Small Country. Experiences of Conservation of Large Size Industrial Heritage in Belgium, Patrick Viaene

Conservation of Large-Scale Modern Cultural Heritage in Japan, Nakayama Shunsuke

BigStuff 07 – Country Update for the United States, Scott See

IBA (Internationale Bauausstellung) Emscherpark – a successful attempt in Germany, Axel Föhl

Workshop 1
Tailoring our Understanding of Large Projects: Action Planning for Large Industrial Sites (pdf)
Marc-Antonio Barblan: Engineering Works and Scaled-down Models or Industry Laid Bare (pdf)

Workshop 2
Site Management: on Risks and Chances

Workshop 3
Repair and Conservation: Irreconcilable Opponents?

Workshop 4
Entrusted to Our Care: What Does This Mean?

Workshop 5
Pathways Through Heritage: Necessary and Encumbering

Workshop 6
"Restored to Working Glory": to Work or Not to Work?

Workshop 7
Conservation of “Burried Treasures” – Technical and Working Knowledge of Past Generations

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BigStuff (2004)

Title: BigStuff: Care of Large Technology Objects
Editor: Alison Wain
Venue: Australian War Memorial, Canberra, Australia
Date: 29 September – 01 October 2004
ISBN: 09751904 3 1
Files: individual pdf files
Download: http://www.awm.gov.au/...

Note: Resource kindly indicated by Goran Budija.

Table of contents:

Ethics and Approaches
A curatorial perspective, John White
Managing perceptions and resources, Alayne Alvis
Questions and answers, Alayne Alvis
Care of floating maritime objects, Steven Adams
Conservation at The Henry Ford, Clara Deck
Large technology and the Burra Charter, Gillian Mitchell
Questions and answers, Gillian Mitchell

Treatment and Maintenance
An efficient maintenance program, Alison Wain
Questions and answers - maintenance, Alison Wain
Cellulose nitrate dope for aircraft, Andrew Pearce
Questions and answers - aircraft dope, Andrew Pearce
Gallery maintenance for large technology, Laura Kennedy
Original paint as evidence, John Kemister
Questions and answers, John Kemister
Original paint-evidence and presentation, Andrew Pearce
Questions and answers - Lancaster paint, Andrew Pearce
Pest control of Chevrolet Ridemaster, Laura Kennedy

Operating objects
A well-planned operation, Alison Wain
Questions and answers - operating objects, Alison Wain
Conservation from a tradesman's point of view, Col Ogilvie
Questions and answers, Col Ogilvie
Corrosion and wear, Hallam, Thurrowgood and Ogilvie, David Hallam, David Thurrowgood and Col Ogilvie
Questions and answers, David Hallam
Preserving significance, David Thurrowgood and David Hallam
Questions and answers, David Thurrowgood

Storage and movement
A modular storage system, Bill Lang
Questions and answers, Bill Lang
A stabilisation, movement and storage project, John Griswold
Questions and answers, John Griswold
Covering a large object, Justin Gare
Storage, handling, transport and installation, Gordon Klebba
Questions and answers, Gordon Klebba

People and skills
A volunteer perspective, Nigel Nolan and Ian Smith
Questions and answers, Nigel Nolan and Ian Smith
Capabilities and Limitations of Volunteers, Kornelius Götz
Questions and answers, Kornelius Götz
Training at West Dean College, Chris Knapp
Questions and answers, Chris Knapp

Practical tips
Digital photography for LTOs, Sarah Clayton and Alison Wain
Make-your-own mannequins, Sarah Clayton
Question and answers, Sarah Clayton
Wireless remote data logger, Paul Pounds
A maintenance survey sheet
B maintenance survey sheet
LTO display maintenance sheet
LTO maintenance and movement log sheet
LTO maintenance information sheet-10 wheels
LTO Maintenance Schedule

Discussion session
Discussion session - future directions

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Values and Heritage Conservation (2000)

Title: Values and Heritage Conservation
Authors: Erica Avrami, Randall Mason, Marta de la Torre
Publisher: The Getty Conservation Institute
Year: 2000
Pages: 100
Type of document: Research Report
Download: http://www.getty.edu/... (pdf, 785 Kb)

From the Preface:
This report presents the results of research on the subject of the values and benefits of cultural heritage conservation undertaken by the Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) through its Agora initiative, as a means of articulating and furthering ideas that have emerged from the conservation field in recent years. This transdisciplinary research, along with a parallel project on the economics of heritage conservation, re p resents an effort of the GCI to advance understanding of conservation’s current role in society, to educate ourselves and the conservation community at large about the potential role of conservation in the future, and, ultimately, to strengthen the capacity of the conservation field to enrich cultural life and the visual arts in societies worldwide.

Table of Contents (short version):

Report on Research
The Spheres and Challenges of Conservation
Conservation Perspectives
Values, Valorization, and Cultural Significance
The Need for a Conceptual Framework

Exploratory Essays
Stewarding the Past in a Perplexing Present, David Lowenthal
Economic and Cultural Value in the Work of Creative Artists, David Throsby
Cultural Heritage and Globalization, Lourdes Arizpe
Cultural Heritage, Liberal Education, and Human Flourishing, Uffe Juul Jensen
Cultural Fusion, Erik Cohen
Preserving the Historic Urban Fabric in a Context of Fast-Paced Change, Mona Serageldin
The Making of Cultural Heritage, Susan M. Pearce
Challenges for Heritage Conservation and the Role of Research on Values, Daniel Bluestone

Appendix: Values Bibliography

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16 March 2010

Pesticide Mitigation in Museum Collections (2010)

Title: Pesticide Mitigation in Museum Collections: Science in Conservation
Editors: A. Elena Charola and Robert J. Koestler
Publisher: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press
Year: 2010
Pages: 72
Link: http://www.sil.si.edu/...
Download: http://www.sil.si.edu/... (pdf, 4.54 Mb)

The Smithsonian Museum Conservation Institute Workshop on Pesticide Mitigation was one of the first professional meetings dedicated to current research on removing pesticide residues from museum objects. Seven papers were presented at the workshop, and two more were added to introduce topics not focused on during the meeting but of significant importance when considering actual application of any of these methods.
The aim of the workshop was to bring together conservators, scientists, and even industry representatives to discuss the complex issues associated with pesticide removal from artifacts and to provide representative examples of the research and work being carried out at different institutions in the United States and abroad. Among the issues explored were possible methods and techniques that might become useful in the museum conservation field to reduce, mitigate, clean, or remediate undesirable pesticides on objects. The meeting also served to inform conservators and scientists in the Smithsonian Institution of the wide range of approaches that are currently being tested and that might prove useful in the future.
Topics covered in the presented papers included removal of mercury and arsenic contamination with α-lipoic acid; the treatment of Haudenosaunee medicine masks with surface active displacement solutions; the possibility of using mercury-resistant bacterial communities to remediate contamination; solvent extraction through the use of special solvents such as hydrofluoroethers; carbon dioxide as a cleaning fluid either in liquid or in supercritical state; and novel cleaning techniques either through the use of additives to improve the efficiency of liquid or supercritical CO2 cleaning, other gases in a supercritical state, or other techniques such as fluidized beds. The introduction of novel techniques at the workshop was encouraged in order to broaden the range of promising methods that might improve the technology of pesticide mitigation or remediation. The two supplemental papers discuss pesticide analysis on objects and safety measures that should be implemented by institutions with contaminated collections.

Table of contents:

Pesticide Remediation in Context: Toward Standardization of Detection and Risk Assessment, Odile Madden, Jessica Johnson, Jae R. Anderson

Aqueous α-Lipoic Acid Solutions for Removal of Arsenic and Mercury from Materials Used for Museum Artifacts, Peggi S. Cross, Nancy Odegaard, Mark R. Riley

Solvent Cleaning of Fragile Artifacts without Mechanical Agitation, Robert Kaiser

Mitigation of Surface Contaminants on Haudenosaunee Medicine Masks, Peter A. Reuben

Bacterial Removal of Mercury from Museum Materials: A New Remediation Technology?, Timberley M. Roane, Lisa J. Snelling

Liquid and Supercritical Carbon Dioxide as a Cleaning and Decontamination Agent for Ethnographic Materials and Objects, Helene Tello, Achim Unger

Pesticide Extraction Studies Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide, Werner S. Zimmt, Nancy Odegaard, Teresa K. Moreno, Rachael A. Turner, Mark R. Riley, Bo Xie, Anthony J. Muscat

The Potential for Adapting Some Cleaning Methodologies to Pesticide Removal from Museum Objects, Werner S. Zimmt, Nancy Odegaard, David R. Smith,

Discussion: Mitigation of Contaminated Collections, R. Eric Hollinger, Greta Hansen

Appendix: Common Museum Pesticides

14 March 2010

Technical Analysis of Paintings (2008)

Title: Technical Analysis of Three Paintings Attributed to Jackson Pollock

Narayan Khandekar, senior conservation scientist and senior lecturer, Department of History of Art and Architecture, Harvard University.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

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