Title: Museum Data Exchange: Learning How to Share
Author: Günter Waibel, Ralph LeVan and Bruce Washburn
Publisher: OCLC Research
Year: 2010
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This report describes the outcomes of a project funded by a grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to further develop standards for museum data exchange.
OCLC Research and nine art museums worked together on the Museum Data Exchange project to create tools for data sharing, build a research aggregation of museum records and analyze the aggregation to determine in which areas museums should invest in to upgrade their records, as well as what automated processes could be utilized to harmonize descriptions for retrieval. Their work resulted in the establishment of an infrastructure for standards-based metadata exchange for the museum community and modeled data sharing behavior among participating institutions, details of which are included in the report.
OCLC Research and nine art museums worked together on the Museum Data Exchange project to create tools for data sharing, build a research aggregation of museum records and analyze the aggregation to determine in which areas museums should invest in to upgrade their records, as well as what automated processes could be utilized to harmonize descriptions for retrieval. Their work resulted in the establishment of an infrastructure for standards-based metadata exchange for the museum community and modeled data sharing behavior among participating institutions, details of which are included in the report.
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