30 November 2008

Oxygen-Free Museum Cases (1998)

Title: Oxygen-Free Museum Cases
Editor: Shin Maekawa
Publisher: The Getty Conservation Institute
Year: 1998
Pages: 76
Format: PDF (1.6 Mb)
Link: http://www.getty.edu/...

Table of contents:

Chapter 1. Conservation of the Royal Mummy Collection at the Egyptian Museum, Shin Maekawa
Chapter 2. Protection of Objects from Environmental Deterioration by Reducing Their Exposure to Oxygen, Eric F. Hansen
Chapter 3. Preservation of Historic Materials by Using Inert Gases for Biodeterioration Control, Nieves Valentín
Chapter 4. Design and Construction of the CCI's Hermetically Sealed Display and Storage Case, Shin Maekawa
Chapter 5. Controlled-Environment Cases for the Royal Mummy Collection, Nasry Yousef Iskander
Chapter 6. Preservation of the Original Documents of the Constitution of India, Hari Kishan and Shin Maekawa
Chapter 7. Preservation of the Mummy of an Egyptian Child in a Hermetically Sealed Museum Case in Spain, Shin Maekawa

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