22 December 2010

e-conservation 17 (2010)

Title: e-conservation
Issue: 17
Year: 2010
Link: http://www.e-conservationline.com/...
Download: http://www.e-conservationline.com/... (pdf, 7.93 Mb)

Table of Contents:

Multicultural Conservation
by Rui Bordalo

News & Views
The Social Media Challenge for Conservation Outreach
By Daniel Cull

Conservation and the Eastern Mediterranean
IIC Congress

Review by Sagita Mirjam Sunara

Bigstuff 2010
Review by Alison Wain

16th International Heritage Show
Review by Petruta Vlad

Preparing Ikats for Colors of the Oasis: Central Asian Ikats
By Cyndi Bohlin

Book Releases
- Books Will Speak Plain. A Handbook for Identifying and Describing Historical Bindings, by Julia Miller
- Studies on Information and Knowledge Processes. Studies on Heritage Management I, by Ferenc Kiss, Lia Bassa (eds.)
- The Picture of Memory, by Michela Rossi, Cecilia Tedeschi (eds.)

Science and Restoration at the Service of Interpretation
By Dimitrios Doumas

An Extensive Study of the Effect of the Enzyme a-Amylase Used in Textile Conservation on Silk Fibers Dyed with Safflower and Madder Dye
By Harby E. Ahmed

Case Study
Conservation and Restoration of a Rare Large Persian Carpet
By Omar Abdel-Kareem

The Bactria Cultural Centre: A UNESCO-sponsored project in Mazar-e Sharif, war-struck northern Afghanistan – Success or Failure?
By Alessandro Califano

Article: tapestry conservation in Europe and the United States (2006)

Title: Preserving image and structure: tapestry conservation in Europe and the United States
Author: Frances Lennard
Reference: Reviews in Conservation, 2006, pp. 43-53
Download: http://eprints.soton.ac.uk/... (.doc, 116 Kb)

Tapestry weaving has been used for millennia to create fabrics in which the design is integral to the structure, but the term ‘tapestry’ is also synonymous with woven pictorial hangings, the subject of this paper. Since the first tapestries were made, they have been cleaned and repaired. As the loss of warp and weft yarns affects both the image and the structure simultaneously, tapestry restoration and conservation techniques have sought to clarify the image as well as support the structure. This paper analyses the evolution of tapestry conservation techniques in western Europe and the United States from the universal use of reweaving to the range of treatments currently employed.

14 December 2010

Forgers, Dealers, Experts (1960)

: Forgers, Dealers, Experts: Strange Chapters In The History Of Art
Author: Sepp Schüller
Publisher: G. P. Putnam's Sons
Year: 1960
Pages: 264
Download: http://www.archive.org/... (pdf, 24.4 Mb)

Note: Resource kindly indicated by Goran Budija

Here is a comprehensive study of the most notorious art forgeries in history: the artists who employed their talents in imitating the talents of others, the dealers who wittingly or unwittingly sold their wares, and the experts who exposed, or were taken in by, their duplicity. Calling upon his substantial professional knowledge and his personal interest in the subject, Sepp Schüller has turned the investigation of art forgeries into a field of lively speculation having artistic, social, and psychological implications.

Table of Contents:

1. Egypt, the Forgers' Paradise
2. The Cardiff Giant
3. Fame comes to the village of Glozel
4. The Venus of the Turnip Field
5. Counterfeits of Durer's works
6. Works forged as by Griinewald, Holbein and Cranach
7. The much admired Bust by Bastianini
8. The Renowned Sarcophagus of Cerveteri
9. The Tiara of Saitaphernes
10. The Bust of Flora
11. Alceo Dossena
12. Wacker's Van Goghs'
13. Forgeries of French Paintings
14. Art Forgeries under the Third Reich
15. Han van Meegeren
16. The Liibeck art forgery scandal
17. Modern Masterpieces by a Museum Attendant
18. Art Forgers at Naples
19. The Vienna Madonna scandal
20. Antique Furniture is not always old
21. 'Real' and 'Imitation' Carpets
22. The Lure of Profit
23. In the Shadows
24. Fame versus X-Rays
25. 'Counterfeit Counterfeits'
26. The Campaign against Fraud
27. Forgery Detection as a Fashionable Complaint
28. 'Take up the Shield of Mistrust!'

13 December 2010

Thesis: A Study of Ideological Division in the Field of Conservation-Restoration (2006)

Title: Heritage, Hermeneutics and Hegemony - A Study of Ideological Division in the Field of Conservation-Restoration
Author: Frank Hassard
University: Brunel University
Type of document: PhD
Year: 2006
Link: http://hdl.handle.net/... (pdf)

In recent times, the concept of ‘intangible heritage’ has gained credence within the international heritage community, reflecting wider concerns relating to the cultural impact of global economic, technological and political forces. For many, intangible heritage represents a vital living mediation of the material past (i.e. tangible heritage) which deepens its significance and meaning-conferring qualities. This thesis explores how in recent times, the intangible heritage became ‘separated’ from the tangible heritage in such a way as to bring about ideological division within the field of heritage preservation and a sense of discontinuity with the past – particularly relating to the practice of restoration and its patrimony of expertise. The thesis argues that this has been attributable to an ‘institutionalised’ conception of heritage based essentially on a historiography of materials located in the ideological site of the museum – the repository where tangible heritage is housed, organised, interpreted, conserved, restored and displayed in such ways as to confer meaning upon the material world. By drawing extensively upon evidence from the literature and engaging the conservation-restoration field, the thesis develops discussion around the emergence (and subsequent institutionalisation) of a relatively recent scientific paradigm of practice – ‘scientific restoration’ – largely shaped by this ‘museological’ vision of heritage. It also considers how the work of Cesare Brandi came to be instrumental in the formulation of this vision but argues that such conceptions have been predicated upon a misappropriation of his ideas and a misreading of historical heritage preservation ideologies that has done much to contribute to tensions evident within the heritage community. To this end, the thesis aims to redress this historical impasse by reconsidering the function of restoration – especially in terms of what is added to the historical document – and reconciling the competing claims of the tangible and intangible by developing the concept of ‘authentic process’.

12 December 2010

Safe Handling of Plastics in a Museum Environment (2010)

Title: Safe Handling of Plastics in a Museum Environment
Author: Jia-sun Tsang
Citation: WAAC Newsletter 32(2), pp. 16-22
Year: 2010
Link: http://hdl.handle.net/10088/11186 (pdf, 3.64 Mb)

Research on the theory and mechanics of plastics degradation and conservation has made steady progress over the years, yet regarding the safe handling of plastics, current knowledge and practices are long overdue for an update. The purpose of this paper is to translate the science of plastics degradation into practical guidelines for the safe handling and conservation of plastics in a museum environment. The safety practices outlined here are based on an analysis of naturally aged plastics in museum collections, and are relevant to the specific problems faced by conservators, curators, and museum specialists who must handle and evaluate many types of plastic materials.

Advances in Raman mapping of works of art (2010)

Title: Advances in Raman mapping of works of art
Authors: Polonca Ropret, Costanza Miliani, Silvia A. Centeno, Crtomir Tavzesab and Francesca Rosi
Citation: Journal of Raman Spectroscopy (Special Issue: Raman spectroscopy in art and archaecology), Volume 41, Issue 11, pages 1172–1177, November 2010
Link: http://hdl.handle.net/... (pdf, 553 Kb)


Raman mapping can provide molecular information to complement data derived from other analytical techniques in works of art and other objects of cultural significance. Raman mapping can be performed using a motorized microscope stage that moves a sample or an object point by point in two spatial directions. The method can be used both noninvasively in works of art that fit under a microscope objective and in microsamples when, for example, obtaining information on the samples' layering structure is necessary. This paper reports on the development of a Raman mapping approach based on a set of scanning mirrors that direct the laser beam in two spatial directions, vertically through the microscope head or through a horizontal exit on the Raman microspectrometer. The first configuration still has limitations in terms of the size of the work of art that can be analyzed, as it has to fit under the microscope objective, but considerably larger objects can be studied when using the scanning mirrors placed in the horizontal exit. In this paper, the advantages and limitations of these two Raman mapping approaches are compared and discussed on the basis of an example of a contemporary oil painting on canvas.

Art in Transit: Handbook for Packing and Transporting Paintings (1991)

Title: Art in Transit: Handbook for Packing and Transporting Paintings
Authors: M. Richard, Marion F. Mecklenburg, and Ross Merrill
Publisher: National Gallery of Art
Year: 1991
Pages: 172
Link: http://hdl.handle.net/...

Table of contents:

1. Assessing Risks
2. Transit Climate Conditions
3. Temperature Protection
4. Relative Humidity Protection
5. Shock and Vibration Hazards
6. Shock Protection
7. Vibration Protection
8. Packing Cases
9. Role of the Courier
10. Glossary

17 November 2010

Deterioration and Conservation of Feathers (2009)

Title: Scraping Gut and Plucking Feathers: the Deterioration and Conservation of Feather and Gut Materials
Conference Date: Tuesday 6th October 2009
Conference Venue: University of York
Link: http://www.icon.org.uk/...

Table of Contents:

Ellen Pearlstein and Lionel Keene, Fading behavior of red shafted flicker feathers (pdf1, pdf2)
Hein van Grouw, The structure of feathers simple as well as brilliant (pdf)
Katrina van Grouw, First aid at the front line (pdf)
Pippa Cruickshank and Vanesssa Saiz Gomez, An early gut parka from the Arctic, its past and current treatment (pdf)
Sandra Gottsmann, A gut skin parka from the ethnographic collection of the Reiss-Engelhorn Museum (pdf)
Kate Jackson and Andrew Huges, Gut reaction, The history, treatment and display techniques of gut garments at the Pitt Rivers Museum (pdf)
Allyson Rae, Summary of Practical session (pdf)

Source: http://dancull.wordpress.com/2010/11/10/scraping-gut-and-plucking-feathers/

14 November 2010

Histoire de la riziculture et muséologie (2006)

Title: D'Orient en Occident: histoire de la riziculture et muséologie
Author: Marc-Antonio Barblan
Reference: ICOFOM Study Series, Vol. 35, 2006, pp. 114-131
Link: click here (pdf, 5.1 Mb)

Note: Made available upon request of the author

23 October 2010

e-conservation 16 (2010)

Title: e-conservation
Issue: 16
Year: 2010
Link: http://www.e-conservationline.com/...
Download: http://www.e-conservationline.com/... (pdf, 9.33 Mb)

Table of Contents:

The Gap in Conservation
by Rui Bordalo

News & Views
Pot Healer, I Need You
By Daniel Cull

SEM and Microanalysis in the Study of Historical Technology, Materials and Conservation
Review by Ana Bidarra

Western Association for Art Conservation (WAAC) Annual Meeting
Review by Daniel Cull

Devastating Flood in Ladakh, India
A Support Program by Tibet Heritage Fund
By Andre Alexander

Identification of Ivory Book Covers and Comparison to Ivory Portrait Miniatures

By Josie Wornoff

Microbial Study of Egyptian Mummies: An Assessment of Enzyme Activity, Fungicides and Some Mummification Materials for the Inhibition of Microbial Deterioration
By Abdelrazek Elnaggar, Ahmed Sahab, Siham Ismail, Gamal Mahgoub and Mohammed Abdelhady

Case Study
Study of the painting Virgin Mary and Child with the Infant St. John the Baptist: The Hidden Flora of Leonardo da Vinci’s Painting Workshop
By Miklós Szentkirályi

"The Annunciation" by Cola Petruccioli: The Restoration of the Transferred Wall Painting
By Ildikó Jeszeniczky

16 October 2010

Articles on X-ray Analysis (1997-2007)

Advances in X-ray Analysis (AXA) are the proceedings of X-ray conferences organised by The International Centre for Diffraction Data (ICDD).
The articles are freely available to download from their website, except for the volumes from 2008 and 2009.
I made a selection of the articles related with cultural heritage:

Advances in X-ray Analysis, Vol. 51, 2007

Analysis of Pigments Used in a Japanese Painting
Y. Hayakawa, S. Shirono, S. Miura, T. Matsushima

Microscanning XRF, XANES and XRD Studies of the Decorated Surface of Roman Terra Sigillata Ceramics (pdf)
C. Mirguet, P. Sciau, P. Goudeau, A. Metha, P. Pianetta, Z. Liu, N. Tamura

Advances in X-ray Analysis, Vol. 50, 2006

Non-Destructive Analysis of a Painting, National Treasure in Japan
Y. Hayakawa , S. Shirono, S. Miura, T. Matsushima, T. Uchida

Advances in X-ray Analysis Vol. 49, 2005
Identification of Painting Materials Used for Mural Paintings by Image Analysis and XRF
S. Shirono, Y.Hayakawa

Advances in X-ray Analysis, Vol. 47, 2003

Analysis of Art Objects and other Delicate Samples: is XRF Really Non-Destructive? (pdf)
M. Mantler, J. Klikovits

Applications of X-Ray Diffraction in Conservation Science and Archaeometry
M.-C. Corbeil
Design of EDXRF Equipment for the Nondestructive Study of Prints
M. Ardid, J.L. Ferrero, C. Roldán, D. Juanes, J.L. Lluch, R. Vives, P. Punter
Portable XRF Analysis of Japanese Historical Objects
Y. Hayakawa

Synchrotron Applications in Archaeometallurgy: Analysis of High Zinc Brass Astrolabes
B. Newbury, B. Stephenson, J. Almer, M. Notis, G.S. Cargill, III, G.B. Stephenson, and D. Haeffner
X-Rays in Art and Archaeology - An Overview
M. Schreiner, B. Frühmann, D. Jembrih-Simbürger and R. Linke

Advances in X-ray Analysis, Vol. 46, 2002

Identification of Forged Works of Art by Portable EDXRF Spectrometry
(pdf) M. Ardid, J.L. Ferrero, D. Juanes, C. Roldán, M. Crespo, M.E. Pernett, M. Marzal, M. Burke, S. Rovira, R. Vives

Advances in X-ray Analysis Vol. 44, 2000

Analysis of Pigments used in Scroll Paintings of a National Treasure "Tale of Genji" using a Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer
K. Sugihara, K. Tamuara, M. Satoh, Y. Hayakawa, Y. Hirao, S. Miura, H. Yotsutsuji, Y. Tokugawa

EDXRF Analysis of Pigments of Works of Art from the Spain's Cultural Heritage
J.L. Ferrero, C. Roldan, D. Juanes, C. Morera, and E. Rollano

Advances in X-ray Analysis Vol. 42, 1998

Applications of Micro XRF for the Analysis of Traditional Japanese "Ainu" Glass Beads and other Artifacts
K. Sugihara, M. Satoh, Y. Hayakawa, A. Saito and T. Sasaki

Advances in X-ray Analysis Vol. 41, 1997

Evaluation of Monolithic Polycapillary X-Ray Lenses for sub-mm Local XRF Analysis of Artistic Objects
B. Vekemans, K. Janssens , G Vittiglio, F. Adams, L. Andong and Y. Yiming

Micro-analysis of Artists’ Pigments by Grazing-Emission X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
Martine Claes, Rita Van Ham, Koen Janssens and René Van Grieken

26 September 2010

Pesticide Contamination (2009)

Title: Pesticide Contamination: Working Together to Find a Common Solution
Authors: P. Jane Sirois, Jessica S. Johnson, Aaron Shugar, Jennifer Poulin, and Odile Madden
Citation: Preserving Aborigional Heritage: Technical and Traditional Approaches: Proceedings of Symposium 2007, Canadian Conservation Institute, Canadian Heritage, Ottawa, pp. 175-186
Year: 2009
Link: http://hdl.handle.net/... (pdf, 730 Kb)

The need to detect a broader range of pesticides and to develop more quantitative analyses has grown as the repatriation of Aboriginal objects has become more frequent and commonplace. This paper summarizes information from literature surveys and object testing that shows the extent and type of pesticide contamination on museum objects. Global objectives for assessing pesticide-contaminated cultural objects are outlined. The most recent developments in X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (a common methodology for detecting inorganic pesticide residues) and the detection of organic pesticide residues such as naphthalene, para-dichlorobenzene, and DDT amongst others are presented. Future steps include developing collaborations that can lead to providing meaningful toxicological assessments of the artifacts to the users along with handling guidelines or recommendations. Mitigation is currently being studied, but not by these authors, and remains an area for future research.

The Technique Of Wood Sculpture (1957)

Title: The Technique Of Wood Sculpture
Author: Chaim Gross
Publisher: Arco Publishing Company
Year: 1957
Pages: 145
Formats available: pdf, djvu, txt, epub, kindle, daisy
Link: http://www.archive.org/...

Note: Resource kindly indicated by Nina Horvat

Table of Contents (short version):

Chapter 1. Becoming a Sculptor of Wood
Chapter 2. Wood, the Re-discovered Medium
Chapter 3. Wood
Chapter 4. The workroom and Equipment
Chapter 5. The Idea and the Block
Chapter 6. The Emergence of Your Idea from the Block
Chapter 7. Using the Abraders
Chapter 8. Sealing the Wood's Exposed Surface
Appendix 1. Tools
Appendix 2. Sharpeners
Appendix 3. Wood - Its Structure and Seasoning Process
Appendix 4. Notes on Sculptors' Woods
Appendix 5. Table of Relative Hardness and Color of Woods

19 September 2010

Practical hints on dyeing with natural dyes (1986)

Title: Practical hints on dyeing with natural dyes: production of comparative dyeings for the identification of dyes on historic materials
Author: Helmut Schweppe
Publisher: Conservation Analytical Laboratory, Smithsonian Institution
Year: 1986
Pages: 61
Link: http://hdl.handle.net/... (pdf, 30.6 Mb)

Table of Contents (short version):

Dyeing methods for natural dyes
Special directions for mordanting wool
Conversion tables
Dyeing recipes

18 September 2010

Identification Guide for Ivory and Ivory Substitutes (1999)

Title: Identification Guide for Ivory and Ivory Substitutes
Authors: Edgard O. Espinoza and Mary-Jacque Mann
Publisher: World Wildlife Fund and The Conservation Foundation
Year: 1999 (reprint)
Pages: 38
Link: http://www.cites.org/... (pdf, 945 Kb)

Table of Contents (short version):

What is ivory?
The Ivories
Ivory Substitutes
Appendix 1. Procedure for the Preliminary Identification of Ivory and Ivory Substitutes
Appendix 2. List of Supplies and Equipment for Use in the Preliminary Identification of Ivory and Ivory Substitutes

16 September 2010

Passe, present et futur des palais et sites royaux d'Abomey (1999)

Title: Passe, present et futur des palais et sites royaux d'Abomey
Conference: Conférence internationale organisée par le Getty Conservation Institute, l'ICCROM et le Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication du Bénin, 22-26 septembre 1997
Year: 1999
Pages: 182
Link: http://www.getty.edu/... (pdf, 3.73 Mb)

Table of contents:

Première partie
Le passé: histoire du royaume d'Abomey et de ses bas-reliefs

Le royaume du Danxomè: objets, signes, espaces du pouvoir, Giovanna Antongini et Tito Spini

Les bas-reliefs du palais de Glélé: un art au-delá de l'image et de l'histoire, Joseph C. E. Adande

L'histoire en relief : les bas-reliefs des palais royaux du Danxomè, création et conservation d'une tradition, Suzanne Preston Blier

Traditions, cultures et contribution des communautés à la gestion, Vincent Guézodje

Deuxième partie
Le présent: conservation des sites et palais royaux d'Abomey

Actions des cinq dernières années: volet «architecture» du projet PREMA-Bénin II, 1995-1997, Thierry Joffroy

Actions des cinq dernières années: la conservation des bas-reliefs de l'ajalala du roi Glélé au Musée historique, palais royaux d'Abomey, Francesca Piqué et Leslie Rainer

Le réaménagement de l'exposition permanente du Musée historique d'Abomey, Franck Houndégla

La sauvegarde et le récolement des collections du Musée historique d'Abomey, Alain Godonou

Presentation des collections du Musée historique d'Abomey, Dorothé Mizéhoun

Troisième partie
Le futur: evolution des sites et palais royaux d'Abomey dans leur contexte local, national et international

Planification d'ensemble pour la gestion du patrimoine culturel, Giora Solar

Plan de conservation des sites et palais royaux d'Abomey, Rachida de Souza-Ayari et Aimé Gonçalves

Circuits de visite et impact sur l'environnement socioculturel, Jérôme C. Alladaye et Clément Cakpo Vodouhe

Le cadre juridique et la mise en valeur des palais et sites royaux d'Abomey, Toussaint A. Godonou

Situation économique et possibilités de développement du Musée historique d'Abomey, Alain-Raoul Lozes

Plan directeur d'urbanisme d'Abomey, Bachir Oloude

Plan de developpement du tourisme du Bénin, Richard Lohento

Appendice A: Conclusions des participants à la conférence
Appendice B: Participants à la conférence
Appendice C: Auteurs
Appendice D: Résumés en anglais

15 September 2010

Report: Baalbek Risk Preparedness Strategy (2010)

Title: Baalbek Risk Preparedness Strategy: Project Report
Authors: Mario Santana Quintero, Koen Van Balen
Date: July 24, 2010
Type of Document: Report
Link: http://heritagedocumentation.org/...
Files: Final report: low resolution (pdf, 1 Mb), high resolution (pdf, 15 Mb)
Appendix (pdf, 11.4 Mb)

14 September 2010

Article: A new reverse-engineering process for contextualizing and digitizing ancient technical objects (2008)

Title: Advanced Industrial Archaeology: A new reverse-engineering process for contextualizing and digitizing ancient technical objects
Authors: F. Laroche, A. Bernard, M. Cotte
Reference: Journal Virtual and Physical Prototyping 3, Special Issue n° 2, 2008, pp. 105-122
Link: archives-ouvertes.fr (pdf, 1.7 Mb)

Since virtual engineering has been introduced inside industries, time processes have been reduced and products are more adapted to customer needs. Nowadays, the DMU is the centre point for all teams: design, manufacturing, communication etc. However, physical mock-ups and prototypes are sometimes requested. Consequently, a back-and-forth action between the real and the virtual worlds is necessary. Our research team has developed a reverse-engineering methodology for capturing technical characteristics of industrial objects but also for capitalizing knowledge and know-how which are required for contextualizing life cycles. More precisely, we work with ancient industrial machines. It is what we call Advanced Industrial Archaeology. Thanks to the coupling of different kinds of 3D digitalization technologies and CAD software, we are able to re-design old industrial objects and old processes. To illustrate our proposal, we will describe one of the experiments we have done with a salt-washing machine which is nearly 100 years old: from the global 3D digitalization of the plant to precise parts design, we have rediscovered the enterprise process and understand its integration in the economic context.

Article: Engineering Works and Scaled-down Models Or Industry Laid Bare (2007)

Title: Engineering Works and Scaled-down Models Or Industry Laid Bare
Author: Marc-Antonio Barblan
Conference reference: BigStuff 2007 - Beyond Conservation - Industrial Heritage Management, 11-14 September 2007
Link: click here (pdf, 11.2 Mb)

Note: Made available upon request of the author

From the Introduction:
The following remarks are based on a long-standing concern of mine and are related to several interventions in the field of industrial heritage. In view of the advent of new parameters - or the recent emphasis on certain trends - these reflections appear to me of the utmost urgency.
On the positive side, there has clearly been a potential increase in the conceptual and spatial field: be it the enlargement of Europe, the increased interdisciplinary and intercultural opportunities, endorsing the idea of the true interconnectedness of our universal heritage, as well as the realisation of the recently recognised status of immaterial heritage.
On the negative side, however, we must lament those ever-increasing, contemptible moves to cash in on culture in the wider sense, moves which reduce culture to a mere pretence, in which performance-mode takes over at the expense of critical discourse (this may well explain the casual approach to methodology which is so often the case); therefore the difficulty in constructing a complete picture, a comparative one, incorporating the requisite hierarchical order.
Without mentioning the worsening risks to climate and the environment, so much so in fact that water, which will figure prominently henceforth, is threatened in its essence, and will be the disputed prize of future conflicts.

10 September 2010

Article: Embrittlement of Ancient Silver (2005)

Title: Embrittlement of Ancient Silver
Author: R.J.H. Wanhill
Reference: Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention, Volume 5(1) February 2005, pp. 41-54
DOI: 10.1361/15477020522294
Link: http://www.asminternational.org/... (pdf, 2.62 Mb)  [link corrected]

Ancient silver may become brittle and damaged owing to long-term corrosion and changes in the microstructure. Recognition and determination of corrosion-induced and microstructurally-induced embrittlement, and also their synergy, are important for restoration and conservation of ancient and historic silver. The types of embrittlement are described and illustrated, using examples of ancient and historic silver artefacts, including the famous Gundestrup Cauldron, a masterpiece of European Iron Age silverwork. In particular, the use of automated Electron BackScatter Diffraction (EBSD) enables improved analysis and assessment of corrosion-induced embrittlement. The knowledge obtained from detailed investigations is helpful not only in determining the best ways to restore and conserve embrittled silver objects, but also in defining the possible extent of the embrittlement problem. This is illustrated by a straightforward statistical analysis.

Microstructural embrittlement of gold and silver (2006)

Title: Microstructural embrittlement of gold and silver
Author: R.J.H. Wanhill
Publisher: National Aerospace Laboratory NLR
Year: 2000
Pages: 66
Type of document: Report
Link: http://www.nlr.nl/... (pdf, 5.29 Mb)

Table of Contents (short version):

1. Abstract and keywords
2. Introduction
3. Evidence of embrittlement
4. Empirical and theoretical metallurgical considerations 7
5. Corn positions of archaeological gold and silver
6. Discussion
7. Conclusions and recommendations
8. References

Appendix A. Gold and silver binary alloy equilibrium phase diagrams in support of table 2
Appendix B. Classification of archaeological silver artifacts and coins in
Appendix C. Classification of damaged archaeological gold artifacts in support of figure 12

Dans la lumière des terrasses (2) (2010)

Title: Dans la lumière des terrasses: Le Subak Museum à Sanggulan : quel musée pour la civilisation du riz? (2e volet)
Author: Marc-Antonio Barblan
Reference: Le Banian, N. 9, juin 2010, pp. 33-61
Link: click here (pdf, 11.2 Mb)

Note: Made available upon request of the author

09 September 2010

Dans la lumière des terrasses (1) (2009)

Title: Dans la lumière des terrasses: Paysage culturel balinais, Subak Museum et patrimoine mondial (1er volet)
Author: Marc-Antonio Barblan
Reference: Le Banian, N. 7, juin 2009, pp. 80-101
Year: 2009
Link: click here (pdf, 9.98 Mb)

Note: Made available upon request of the author

01 September 2010

Brittle archaeological silver identification, restoration and conservation (1997)

Title: Brittle archaeological silver identification, restoration and conservation
Author: R.J.H. Wanhill
Publisher: National Aerospace Laboratory NLR
Year: 1997
Pages: 17
Type of document: Report
Link: http://www.nlr.nl/... (pdf, 702 Kb)

Note: Resource kindly indicated by Goran Budija

Table of Contents:

IntroductionEmbrittlement of Archaeological Silver
- Corrosion-induced embrittlement: description
- Corrosion-induced embrittlement: mechanisms
- Microstructurally-induced embrittlement: description
- Microstructurally-induced embrittlement: mechanisms
- Synergistic embrittlement
- Effects of grain size
- Effect of decorative mechanical working
Diagnostic Techniques for Determining Embrittlement
Restoration and Conservation of Embrittled Archaeological Silver

De Re Metallica (1556)

Title: De Re Metallica
Author: Georgius Agricola, translation by Herbert Clark Hoover and Lou Henry Hoover
Publisher: Dover Publications
Year: 1950
Link: http://posner.library.cmu.edu/...

Note: Resource kindly indicated by Goran Budija

30 August 2010

The Conservation of Archaeological Sites in the Mediterranean Region (1997)

Title: The Conservation of Archaeological Sites in the Mediterranean Region
Editor: Marta de la Torre
Publisher: The Getty Conservation Institute
Conference: An International Conference Organized by the Getty Conservation Institute and the J. Paul Getty Museum, 6-12 May 1995
Year: 1997
Pages: 180
Link: http://www.getty.edu/... (pdf, 7.5 Mb)

Note: version française disponible (pdf, 7.5 Mb)

Table of Contents:

Preface, Miguel Angel Corzo and John Walsh

Part One. The Management and Presentation of Archaeological Sites

The Archaeological Heritage in the Mediterranean Region, Marta de la Torre and Margaret Mac Lean
A Planning Model for the Management of Archaeological Sites, Sharon Sullivan
Management Considerations at a Mediterranean Site: Akrotiri, Thera, Christos Doumas
Reconstruction of Ancient Buildings, Hartwig Schmidt
The Presentation of Archaeological Sites, Renee Sivan

Part Two. Three Mediterranean Sites

The Roman Villa at Piazza Armerina, Sicily, Nicholas Stanley-Price
Knossos, John K. Papadopoulos
Ephesus, Martha Demas

Appendix A: Summary of Charters Dealing with the Archaeological Heritage, Martha Demas

300th post!

Hard to believe, isn't it?

26 August 2010

El Marco en España: historia, conservación y restauración (2009)

Title: El Marco en España: historia, conservación y restauración
Author: María Pía Timón
Publisher: Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural de España
Pages: 84
Year: 2009
Link: http://www.calameo.com/... (pdf link available there)

Table of contents:


El Marco como fuente de información histórica: Precisiones acerca de la autoría de dos tipos de marcos españoles, Mª Pía Timón Tiemblo

Polseras, Encasamentos y Marcos en los retablos escultóricos, Olga Cantos Martínez

El Marco: de los fundamentos teóricos de la conservación a la práctica, Ana Carrassón López de Letona

Los marcos de la Colección Thyssen-Bornemisza. Adaptación a las nuevas exigencias expositivas. Criterios de intervención, Marta Palao y Susana Pérez

Los retratos de los Gobernadores de Cuba del Archivo General de Indias. Restauración de sus marcos, Rocío Bruquetas Galán

Enmarcado: Causas de alteración y soluciones de conservación en obras de arte sobre papel, Eulalio Pozo Rodríguez

La enmarcación de obras de arte en la actualidad, Carmen Rodríguez Rico

20 August 2010

A Guide to Fiber-Base Gelatin Silver Print Condition and Deterioration (2008)

Title: A Guide to Fiber-Base Gelatin Silver Print Condition and Deterioration
Author: Gawain Weaver
Year: 2008
Pages: 41
Link: http://www.arp-geh.org/... (pdf, 2.67 Mb)

Table of Contents:

Sidebar 1 What Color is Silver?
Sidebar 2 What Makes a Print Yellow?

The Nature of the Fiber-Base Gelatin Silver Print
History of Gelatin Silver Print Manufacture
History of Processing and Image Stability

Gelatin Silver Print Deterioration
Examination of a Print to Judge Condition and Deterioration
Sidebar 3 Primary Factors in Image Stability
The Basics of Deterioration
Sidebar 4 Heat, Humidity, Paint Fumes, and the Benefits of Toning
Sidebar 5 Water and Fire Disasters
Deterioration Charts

Age, Deterioration, or Patina?
Sidebar 6 The Value of Deterioration

When is Conservation Treatment Necessary?

Recommendations for the Storage of Gelatin Silver Prints

Looking Forward

Pathways: Deterioration in Detail
P1: Yellow/Orange Discoloration, Edges or Overall
P2: Silver-mirroring, Edges
P3: Silver-mirroring, Overall or Localized
P4: Yellow/Brown Discoloration and Fading, Edges
P5: Yellow/Brown Discoloration, Overall
P6: Yellow/Brown Discoloration and Fading, Localized
P7: Yellowing of Non-image Areas and Highlights
P8: Image Deterioration in Localized and Uneven Patterns
P9: Gelatin Binder Lifting, Edges or Localized
P10: Staining and Tide Lines
P11: Ferrotyping and Other Surface Changes
P12: Mold Growth
P13: Planar Deformation or Cockling
P14: Embrittlement of the Paper Support
P15: Tears, Creases, Abrasion, etc: Edges
P16: Tears, Creases, Abrasion, etc: Localized

Further Reading

07 August 2010

e-conservation 15 (2010)

Title: e-conservation
Issue: 15
Year: 2010
Link: http://www.e-conservationline.com/...
Download: http://www.e-conservationline.com/... (pdf, 7.9 Mb)


Editorial, Rui Bordalo

Conserve or Destroy?, Daniel Cull


VII Symposium of Art and Science. Research in Conservation of Paintings from the North of Portugal, review by Rita Veiga and Stefan Alves


Virtual Reintegration of Renaissance Mural Paintings

The Gates of Brasov. A ProPatrimonio Foundation Project, Silvia Demeter-Lowe

Upcoming Events: August-September 2010


Preventive Conservation, a Deliberate Choice, Jaap van der Burg


Risk Management and Care of Collections in the Balkans, Interview with Asterios Apostolidis


Identification of Natural Dyes in Historical Coptic Textiles from the National Archaeological Museum of Spain, Estrella Sanz Rodríguez, Angela Arteaga Rodríguez, María Antonia García Rodríguez, Marián del Egido and Carmen Cámara

Laser Cleaning in Art Conservation. Part I: Laser Fundamentals, Rui Bordalo

Case Study

The New Discoveries of the Restoration and Archaeology in the Church of King St. Stefan in Žilina, Slovakia, Jozef Dorica

Heritage in Danger

Forgotten Heritage. The 18th Century Wooden Church from Ursi Village, Romania, Anca Nicolaescu