08 April 2010

Thesis: Color changes in oil paintings (2008)

Title: Color changes and chemical reactivity in seventeenth-century oil paintings
Author: Annelies van Loon
University: University of Amsterdam
Year: 2008
ISBN: 978-90-77209-17-2
Type of document: PhD thesis
Download: http://www.amolf.nl/... (pdf)
New Link: http://dare.uva.nl/... (pdf)

Tis thesis focuses on changes in appearance in seventeenth-century oil paintings as a result of natural ageing. It involves interdisciplinary research at the boundary of chemistry, conservation and art history. Interpretation problems that arose during restoration treatment of paintings formed the basis for much of the work. The case studies presented include paintings and painted ceilings from the Royal Picture Gallery Mauritshuis, the Oranjezaal ensemble in the Royal Palace Huis ten Bosch, the Johan de Witt house, the Trippenhuis, and the Staatliche Museen Kassel.

Table of contents (short version):

1. Improving the surface quality of paint cross-sections for analytical imaging studies with SR-FTIR and static-SIMS
2. The relationship between preservation and technique in the paintings of the Oranjezaal
3. The whitening of bone black in oil paint films
4. White hazes and surface crusts on dark oil paint films
5. Darkening as a result of increased transparency in 17th C oil paintings

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