Title: Assessment of the Susceptibility to Biodeterioration of Selected Polymers and Resins
Authors: Robert J. Koestler and E.D. Santoro
Publisher: The Getty Conservation Institute
Year: 1988
Pages: 118
Link: http://www.getty.edu/... (PDF, 10.4 Mb)
Table of contents:
1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
6. Bibliography
A. Literature Review of Consolidants
B. Morphological characteristics of Fungal Isolates
C. Summary of In Situ Liquid Particle Counting Data and Vendor Information
Title: Principles of Experimental Design for Art Conservation Research
Authors: Terry J. Reedy and Chandra L. Reedy
Publisher: The Getty Conservation Institute
Year: 1992
Pages: 123
Link: http://www.getty.edu/... (PDF, 1.6 Mb)
Preface to the Electronic Edition, 2008. (3pp., 19KB)
Table of contents:
1. Conservation Science and Practice
2. The Scientific Method and Conservation Research
3. Single-Object Studies
4. Experimental Design
5. statistical analysis
6. Multiple-Object (Group) Studies
7. Conservation Treatment Trials
Statistical Glossary & Index