Editors: Juan Manuel Martinez, Françoise Descamps and Kathleen Louw
Title: Proceedings 9th World Congress of the Organization of World Heritage Cities, Kazan, 19-23 June, 2007
Publisher: The Getty Conservation Institute
Year: 2008
English [972 KB, 88 pp.]
Français [1 MB, 88 pp.]
Español [1 MB, 88 pp.]
Table of contents (short version):
Keynote Presentations
Overview of Heritage and Economics: Some Basic Concepts, David Throsby
Sustainable Development Based on Valorizing the Historic Urban Fabric, Mona Serageldin
A Balancing Act, Managing Development Pressures in Urban Heritage Sites: The multiple Values of Urban Heritage Sites, Eduardo Rojas
Practical Tools for the Enhancement of Heritage and Economics in Historic Cities: An Operational Approach, Jean-Louis Luxen
Reports of Discussions