Title: Archaeometry of Pre-Columbian Sites and Artifacts: proceedings of a symposium organized by the UCLA Institute of Archaeology and the Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles, California, March 23-27, 1992
Editors: David A. Scott, Peter Meyers
Publisher: The Getty Conservation Institute
Pages: 437
Year: 1994
ISBN: 0-89236-249-9
Download: http://www.getty.edu/... (pdf, 10.3 Mb)
Table of Contents:
The Materials Science of Material Culture: Examples from the Andean Past, Heather Lechtman
Pre-Columbian Pottery: Research in the Maya Region, Ronald L. Bishop
Kiln Firing at Batan Grande: Today and in Formative Times, Ursel Wagner, et. al.
Ceramics Among the Hohokam: Modeling Social Organization and Exchange, David R. Abbot and David M. Schaller
New World Obsidian: Recent Investigations, Michael D. Glascock
Obsidian Artifacts from Oaxaca, Mexico: Source Identification and Hydration Dating, J. Michael Elam, Michael D. Glascock, and Hector Neff
Obsidian from Pueblo Grande, Arizona: Modeling Social and Economic Patterns in Lithic Procurement, Jane Peterson, Douglas R. Mitchell, and M. Steven Shackley
Beads from Sipan: A Functional Analysis, Leonard Gorelick and John Gwinnett
Silver and Lead in the Late Prehistory of the Mantaro Valley, Peru 183, Ellen G. Howe and Ulrich Petersen
Pre-Hispanic Copper Alloy Production at Batan Grande, Peru: Interpretation of the Analytical Data for Ore Samples, J. F. Merkel , I. Shimada, C. P. Swann, and R. Doonan
Native Copper Technology and Society in Eastern North America, S. Terry Childs
Chemical Seriation of Northeastern North American, Archaeological Sites Using Copper Artifacts, R. G. V. Hancock, L. A. Pavlish, R. M. Farquhar P. J. Julig, and W. A. Fox
Pre-Columbian Gold Processing at Putushio, South Ecuador: The Archaeometallurgical Evidence, Thilo Rehren and Mathilde Temme
Pre-Hispanic Platinum Alloys: Their Composition and Use in Ecuador and Colombia
David A. Scott and Warwick Bray
Pre-Hispanic Goldwork from the Museo de America, Madrid: A New Set of Analyses, Salvador Rovira
A Methodology for the Study of Buried Archaeological Sites, Luis Barba
Exceptional Molecular Preservation in the Fossil Record: The Archaeological, Conservation, and Scientific Challenge, Noreen Tuross and Marilyn L. Fogel
Stratigraphic Dating and Cultural Sequences of Pre-Hispanic Northern South America, Thomas van der Hammen
Coloration in Etowah Textiles from Burial NQ 57, Lucy R. Sibley and Kathryn A. Jakes
Radiocarbon Dates of Teponaztlis from Mexico, Reiner Protsch von Zieten and Rainer Berger
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